Learn How to Seed Plants at Home


Spring has definitely arrived in Richmond. If you have not already started prepping your garden now is a good time to turn over your soil and add some amendments like compost and more manure.

Learn How to Seed Plants at home

This is also a good time to start some summer flowers and vegetables from seed. . However, don’t feel like you have to spend a lot of money on those disposable greenhouses they sell.

You have most of the items at home. You only need to buy some potting soil, seed starter or Peet seed pellets (30 for $2.00 at Walmart). The rest you probably already have.

Learn How to Seed Plants In Items From Home


This year I made a green house out of cleaned out egg shells and the plastic egg carton it came in. Just add some potting soil, moisten the dirt, add your seeds and cover. In a few weeks you will have the beginnings of a plant.

Just be sure to crack the egg at  the bottom when you empty it. This serves additional nutrients for the plants in the ground too.

Learn How to Seed Plants at home

I also used old items from previous flower purchases. I added a peat pellets into each slot, added the seeds and placed the containers into an old strawberry container. Be sure to check on these after a few days so they don’t dry out.

Learn How to Seed Plants at home


I also found cow pots at the local nursery and remembered seeing a segment about them on Martha Stewart last year. I thought I would try them. I added a peat pellet to some and just potting soil to the others. Placed them in an old garden tray you get when you buy flowers at the nursery.

I then used a clear plastic cover from a lettuce container at the top. Be sure to remove the tops when the plants starts to grow taller.


If you don’t want anything fancy just use the containers from the nursery fill it will soil and add seeds. This will work as well just have to thin the plants a little more.

Hope you find success and save some money with these garden tips. Also, reread Reuse Pots/Cell Packs from Purchased Annuals/vegetables for more tips


Make Plants from Plants– Simple Propagation techniques

I don’t know how many times I was planting an annual and somehow the tips of the plant were broken off. Or better yet, your anxious child picks a flower and pulls off most of the stem.

You may even have a Sweet Potato Vine that is growing too long and you need to trim it. Do not throw away the damage if it is long enough to fit in a bud vase.

Learn How to Seed Plants at home

How to propagate a plant

1)Place the stem, freshly cut with a scissors into a bud vase full of water.
2) Place the vase in a sunny spot. I have a ledge on my kitchen window that is just wide enough to hold a small vase.  (If you use a glass vase the kids can watch the progression of a plant and even measure any growth…if they seem interested.)
3) Watch and Wait. Refill the water as needed. It could take a few weeks to get your final answer.
4) Once they have grown roots, simply put them in a seed starting mix or good potting mix and keep moist. In the hot summer you may want to do this instead of planting right into a pot or garden. They are pretty fragile at this point.
Plants that can easily propagate: 
Some plants I have recently had success sprouting roots: Coleus, Impatiens, Portulaca, Zinnias, Tomatoes, Sweet Potato Vine, Basil, and Mint.
Many of the plants I mentioned above can be trimmed back early fall before they are affected by any frost and supply you with plants for the following Spring.
Spring has sprung and so has your green thumb.  Be sure to pin this when you start thinking about Learn How to Seed Plants at home to start your garden.  
Learn How to Seed Plants at home
Gardens can be so rewarding and frustrating at the same time!   Can’t wait to see photos of any of your gardens. 

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  1. The best uses for used coffee grounds and left over coffee - […] the base of the plant with a coffee and eggshell barrier to repel […]