This Snow Man Soup Gift idea is perfect for a class gift. I made this along with Reindeer Food to give to my Kindergarten Class at Christmas. We have also included a fun Hot Cocoa recipe to make at home with the kids to look like melting snowman cups.
Like most of the United States, Va is having mild winter temperatures. We do not always expect snow but my daffodils are starting to emerge. We have had few requests for hot chocolate so far this winter but I am not sure I want to say that too loudly.
When my Family Fun Magazine came yesterday I browsed through it before going to bed. I fell in love with these Melted Frosties that I made them first thing in the morning for my kids.
We adapted the recipe slightly as we have some Torani Syrups left over from a review. My kids enjoyed Hot milk with toasted marshmallow and white chocolate flavoring instead of the flavors in the magazine.
I must admit I was surprised I had some candy corn still from the Fall. I bag left over candy and put it in my “cookie” jar for such occasions. You can still find these in the bagged candy aisles of most grocery and drugstores. The kids loved doing this kid friendly activity.
SNOW MAN SOUP Family Fun Recipe to make at home
- MILK You can use any type you normally drink at home
- Sugar ( you can use alternative sugars you prefer)
- Vanilla Extract
- Whipped Cream
Warm some milk adding 2 tsps of sugar per cup. Pour the mixture into mugs, stir 1/2 tsp. of Vanilla extract into each , then top with a dollop of whipped cream. Float a candy corn nose and chocolate chips for the smile and eyes.
The idea is to create individual packs of Snowman Soup (as many or few as you want) and deliver them to friends or family nearby. Essentially, Snowman Soup is an individual bag of hot chocolate with all the fixings.
To make your own Snowman Soup, you will need:
- Plastic bags
- Individual packets of Hot Chocolate
- Candy Canes (large or mini) Mini fit better in the bags
- Mini Marshmallows
- Snowman Soup label (download it at the bottom of the post!)
In Snowman Soup bag, put
- 1 packet of Hot Chocolate
- 1 Candy Cane
- Handful of mini marshmallows
Seal the bag and staple the Snowman Soup label ontop. That’s it!
Printing the labels on card stock will add a little durability to your bag, which is important if you’ll be dropping them outside at front doors.