My son’s preschool has a silent auction each year and each class is responsible to donate an item that has every child’s name/handprint etc. I have seen all sorts of things like blankets, aprons and chairs with handprints. Teacher or Mother Day Gift Ideas that are homemade are really well received. Here are some Group Teacher Gift Ideas that the whole class can get involved with.
I have also seen items decorated with the adorable fingerprint art–you know the ones that turn things into bugs, animals with a fingerprint. When I went into Michael’s I had a unfinished wood frame in my hand. Then I saw the perfect white frame with a thick border around the picture. With 40% discount the $10 I was going to spend on this was well worth the effort of priming and painting the unfinished one, plus it would probably look better.
DIY Group Preschool Teacher Gift Ideas
I decided to make a scene out of the bugs before going to school so I lightly sketched one out with 16 bugs. I brought acrylic paints to school and had each child was able to pick a bug out of the picture as well as the color they would like.
I used a fine sharpie marker to add the details and names.
Here is the end result. A great end of year gift for a teacher too. We can always use frames.
The second auction item I made was inspired by a child’s size apron I had left over from my daughter’s cooking party several years ago. Instead of hand prints I thought each child could make a self portrait.
I used fabric markers–lucky for me I had them left over and they still worked- and traced a circle for each child.
Using T-shirt transfer paper I added each child’s name and the class name.
At school, each child then used the fabric markers to decorate their face.
I heat set it in the dryer.
I think children will love wearing this many years to come and remember their sweet preschool friends and chuckle at their art work.
I was also talking to a friend and she said she still used a table cloth of self-portraits her class did for her when she taught third grade….
DIY Group Preschool Teacher Gift Ideas
Here are some other ideas I have done in the past to celebrate our hard working teachers.
Repurposed Milk Container flowers
I LOVE that picture frame!!! It’s so cute!