Let the games begin. I love coming up with ideas for themed parties, I search the internet and try to improvise other games to match themes. Coming up with Star Wars Party Games and Activities took no effort. The Death Star Pinata, however, needs some prior planning but it was such a hit. Be sure to check out the Star Wars Party Invitations we made too.
Free Play
While we waited for all the kids to arrive and to make them comfortable so their folks could leave, we had out my son’s star wars figurines and legos. The kids were encouraged to put together a spaceship. I also had a Star Wars coloring book and crayons but it went untouched.
Jedi robes:
This was a last minute decision as I was not sure if the kids would wear them, especially with the heat we have been having. Joann’s had flannel fabric for $2.99 a yard so I thought I would give it a go.
One of the most simple Star Wars birthday party games is to spit them into characters from the dark side and the light side using the masks and have them play tug of war.
Death Star Pinata
Homemade Light Sabers
What Star Wars party would not be complete with Lightsabers. I did not want to spend $10 per child on a real one, plus I could not imagine the outcome of 9 plastic swords at the party.
I bought $1 pool noodles at the dollar store and $5 below. Of course mainly green for the Jedi’s in training and red for Darth Vader. I measured them to match the size of the plastic version we have, 36 inches. Cut them with a miter saw, a bread knife would probably work too.
Wrap the bottoms with silver or grey duct tape and add some black and blue tape accents.
Make sure not to give these out until you are outside!
Jedi Training:
My older daughter and son were in charge of Jedi training.
- They first learned moves with their lightsabers, similar to Simon says.
- They then went through an obstacle course outside designed by my son and his friend. Going through tunnels, jumping over hula hoops, you get it.
- Then they were each given a black balloon and tried to keep the balloons up in the air with their lightsaber.