Amazing Synthesizer by Blipblox

This post about Synthesizer by Blipblox is sponsored by KidStuff PR. This was written by Julie S. and all opinions are her own. 

Have a budding DJ at your house and thinking of getting a Synthesizer?  Or do you just have a curious kid? 

Synthesizer Keyboard by Blipblox

I think all parents can answer yes to that last question!  We received a Blipblox in the mail.  Once the batteries were in our new toy, all four of my kids began tinkering with their new “synthesizer” that makes electronic music instantly.

What is a Synthesizer Keyboard by Blipblox?

The Blipblox is more than a toy, it is a completely new way for kids (and adults) to explore electronic music.

Synthesizer Keyboard by Blipblox

It kept our four kids – ages 3, 5, 8 and 9 -completely enthralled.  A good sign:  they, of course, started fighting over who got to use it next.  It was fantastic to watch them explore all the colorful knobs and levers that created truly cool electronic tunes and even an LED light show. 

I noticed they really concentrated on what they were doing for a long period of time and they seemed to connect to what they’d created.

The coolest part about this “toy” is it is a professional-caliber synthesizer.  So parents can even impress friends at their next party! If your home already has a professional studio setup, Blipblox can join in. With its own built-in speaker and a 1/4” Audio-out port, Blipblox can connect to an external device. This includes connecting to MIDI keyboards.

Synthesizer Keyboard by Blipblox

What we liked about the Blipblox

The Blipblox seemed to really spark our kids’ imaginations too.  I heard my toddler take it into his play area with all his trains and use it as his “command center.”  My tweener also grabbed it once when she and her friends were doing a dance “routine.”  Seemed like a cool addition to their other music.  

My final Blipblox anecdote:  our three-year-old was reluctant to give up his Blipblox as I put him to bed one night.  I gave in and let him hold onto it in bed.  Anyhow, I went into his room ten minutes later and found him still holding the levers WHILE SLEEPING as the LED light show played.  Think he needs to hang longer if he wants to be a DJ!

For a toy that will appeal to all age ranges:  from toddler to adult, check out the Blipblox and make your entire family happy and more musically aware.  Check out this Video about Blipblox to see it in action.

Get Your Blipblox Synthesizer Keyboard FOR A STEAL! 

Playtime Engineering, makers of Blipblox are offering my readers this special coupon code: BLIPBLOG19 for $20 off expiring 9/1.   Buy it here:


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