5 Tips To Make Your Ugly Christmas Sweater Party Awesome
Throwing an ugly Christmas sweater party this year and not exactly sure how to make it totally awesome? Don’t worry: We’re here to provide you with five tips that if implemented, will guarantee that you not only have a super fun time but also a memorable one.
There is nothing like an ugly Christmas sweater party and if you’re committed to having a good one, you’ll want to make it super tacky, super ugly, but at the same time, a wonderful time for all you come.
5 Tips To Make Your Ugly Christmas Sweater Party Awesome
#5: Make sure you as a host and your guests have ugly Christmas sweaters.
You can’t have an update Christmas sweater party if no one comes wearing an ugly Christmas sweater. In fact, it’s not a party without them. Whether you like a funny ugly Christmas sweater, a naughty one, or a pop-culture inspired ugly holiday sweater, having the perfect ugly holiday sweater on is key.
Not only will it draw attention, but it also sets the bar for what everyone else will wear to your party. Our advice: Get your ugly Christmas sweater right away, set up a Facebook page for the party, invite everyone that you’d like to attend, tell them they have to wear a sweater and post a photo of yourself wearing yours, so they all know what they’re up against.
Where to Buy Ugly Christmas Sweaters?
Vintage: You can wear a vintage ugly holiday sweater as found at your local thrift store or can make your own.
BUY NEWUglyChristmasSweater.com has a great DIY ugly Christmas sweater design kit that people can buy, to make you sweater ugly.
MAKE ONE: Visit your local craft box stores to get supplies that will make the website’s ugly sweater kit go even farther!
#4: Every party needs great music.
Music is essential, especially if you’re throwing an ugly Christmas sweater party. It’s important to have a blend of good music that can be playing in the background at your house during your party, or in the foreground if people have had something to drink and feel like getting on the good foot. Shaking their rump!
Considering how most folks like a good beat, something catchy that can be sung along with, but also allows someone to move with it, it’s a good idea to get a proper mix of tunes. Also, mix in some hideous and weird Christmas music from over the years. It’s not hard to find.
All it takes is a quick YouTube search for anyone to find a “Weird Christmas” music mix. Some great examples of weird Christmas music would be the James Brown song, “Santa Claus Go Straight to the Ghetto,” and the 1953 oddity, “I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas,” by the child Gayla Peevey.
#3 Who’s Hungry?
Every good ugly Christmas sweater party needs some fun finger foods that your guests can snack on while they’re mingling at your place. It’s important to offer items that are either Christmas-oriented or ugly.
For example: How about making some red and green Rice Crispy treats for your guests? You could make them red and green, or yellow and purple, or pink and blue and put in Fruity Peebles or Grapenuts for ugly flavor.
Or you could offer pigs in a blanket! However, instead of offering up little cocktail weenies wrapped in puff pastry, you could use cut-up hotdogs wrapped in Buddig ham or Buddig Beer with a little pretzel stuff for your guests to use as a spear! The possibilities are endless.
Don’t be afraid to offer fun foods that to some might be offensive, while at the same time, intriguing.
#2 Anyone thirsty?
Of course, there must be drinks! Beer is not acceptable at an ugly Christmas sweater party. It’s important that you either have classy drinks (with top-shelf spirits) or totally cheap ones.
Offer your guests Grey Goose vodka or 5 O’Clock vodka. Set up a DIY bar in your kitchen and allow guests to come and go to make their own drinks.
Or, if you’re worried about the cost of alcohol for your party when you sent out your online invitations for your ugly Christmas sweater party, make sure you ask everyone to bring a bottle of cheap alcohol for their contribution to the party.
Once most of your guests have arrived, start opening up all the bottles one-by-one, and start dumping them all into a new or very clean trash can or giant Home Depot bucket and allow your guests to dip into the concoction with their cups.
It’s not only incredibly tacky but it’s also nostalgically fun as one of the great throwbacks anyone’s college years during the 1980s and 1990s.
#1 Make Your Party Interactive
By making your party interactive you elevate the stakes. When you send out your online invitations be sure to notify everyone that the party will also feature an ugly Christmas sweater party contest.
Nominate three of your guests, who will be staying for the whole party, to act as judges. Have them go around and take a look at all the ugly Christmas sweaters that your guests have worn and then have them vote to pick a winner.
And what does the winner get? Whatever you want! You can give them a $10 gift card to Taco Bell! $10 gift card to Starbucks! It doesn’t matter because it makes the party fun, exciting, and interactive: everything a great party should be!
PLAY GAMES: Don’t forget to play some fun Christmas party games at your party to break the ice!