6 Fun Easter Treat Ideas (Easter Rice Krispy Treats )

Don’t miss these 5 Easter Treat Ideas For Kids that make great desserts or party favors for your Easter Party Ideas too.

 Rice Krispy Treats are an easy and classic dessert recipe.  We decided to take the traditional square Rice Krispie treat up a notch using our Easter Bunny Mold we used to make these Bunny Soaps. 

Easter Sunday Rice Krispie Treats

Make your favorite rice crispy treat recipe in a 9 x 13 pan and allow them to cool completely. 

Easter Sunday Rice Krispy Treats

Make Chocolate Bunnies like we did in these Chocolate Peanut Butter Bunnies but only filling the mold 1/4 – 1/2 full.    

Easter Sunday Rice Krispy Treats

Allow to cool completely and take them out of the mold carefully. Add tails with extra chocolate and some sprinkles. 

Easter Sunday Rice Krispy Treats

Attach the Bunny to a rectangle of Rice Krispie with frosting.   For a short cut buy the prepackaged Rice Krispie Treats. 

Easter Sunday Rice Krispy Treats

Using a grass or small start tip, add grass around the bunny. 

Rice Crispy recipes for Easter

This could not be any simpler but super festive and cute.  The kids can even help with this one. 

Easter Sunday Rice Krispy Treats

Who doesn’t love a Rice Krispie treat and with a little chocolate bunny and some frosting there is not way someone will turn these down.  Great for a kids dessert table at Easter Brunch. 

Be sure to pin this when you are ready to make Easter Sunday Treats

Easter Rice Krispy Treats for Easter Sunday

In addition to this fun Easter Rice Krispy Treats we made with our Bunny Silicone mold, here are some of the Easter Treat ideas I have done in the past years.

Here are some of my favorite Easter activities and brunch recipies I have done:

5 Other Easter Ideas For Kids

Easter Bunny Rice trea

Easter Oreo Bark
Just to mix things up though we would throw in this  Simple Easter Decorating Idea

Easy Easter Decorating Tips

Brunch Recipes like these easy mini cupcakes. 
easy first communion cupcakes pin
The Classic Bunny Rabbit Cake Idea 


Easter Bunny Cake

Easter Bunny Cake

A little less healthy version and a little different Bunny Rabbit Cake Design.

bunny cake


Look forward to branching out this year into some new activities and recipes.

What types of  Edible Easter Treat Ideas For Kids have you made? 

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